Why I’m a Fan of Valentine’s Day

I’m sure it’s not a huge surprise that I’m a fan of Valentine’s Day. I believe in relationships. I cultivate romance and sensuality. I love LOVE.

I know there are a lot of people who think Valentine’s Day is silly. I know there are many people who say it’s just a commercial holiday. I’ve heard people say we shouldn’t need a holiday for love or relationships, but should rather celebrate our relationships every day. I get it. I get all of it. I even agree to some extent.

Here’s the thing. Most people don’t celebrate their partner or lover or relationship every day (even those people say we should have the spirit of Valentine’s Day every day). People are busy. People are overwhelmed. Even people who love and adore their partner, may not acknowledge their love every day.

I’m a fan of Valentine’s Day because it’s a reminder to focus on your relationship and your love. I’m a fan of Valentine’s Day because it offers accountability. Over and over in my office I’m told that people are thinking about sex or about romance because coming to see me offers accountability. In the same way that wearing a pedometer gives me accountability for my movement. Valentine’s Day reminds us to LOVE. Love your partner. Love yourself. Love your child. Love a friend. Even if you are single on Valentine’s Day, February 14th can offer a reminder to love.

Being a fan of Valentine’s Day doesn’t mean that I think you need to be extravagant or make it the best holiday ever. It doesn’t matter how you celebrate or what kinds of gifts you offer your lover. My suggestion is that you share your love today. Speak your truth. Let people know you care. Honor your relationship. Be accountable. Celebrate. Engage. LOVE.

Want some help keeping the love and connection going long past Valentine’s Day? Gina and I have some wonderful classes to help you focus on your relationship and increasing connection and intimacy. Learn more here.

About the author

Julie Jeske, LPC is a sex and relationship counselor. She has a private practice where she helps clients increase intimacy, ignite passion, and deepen their connection to themselves and others.

Julie especially loves to help women discover who they are sexually. Through counseling, online classes, or in-person retreats; her clients learn how to talk about their sexual and relationship desires, and explore ways to make them a reality.

Join her membership community, Love Lessons, listen to her weekly podcast, Swoon, or meet her on instagram.


Valentine’s Day Gifts That Keep on Giving


A Single Person’s Guide to Surviving Valentine’s Day